Time To Live Fund is currently closed for applications. We expect it will re-open in April 2024.
Time To Live Grants
If you’re a young carer (up to the age of 19 years) living in the Western Isles and need a break from your caring role then a Time to Live grant might help.
Get in touch with us today to find out how you can apply for a small grant to help you get the break you need right now. We know that getting out and about is hard at the moment, so grants can be used for things that might help you get a break at home.
You could think about applying for a grant to buy some exercise equipment, a musical instrument, an online subscription service, art supplies, or even tuition to up your skills in your favourite hobby – it really is up to you!
To find out more, call us on 01859 502588 or 07503 724479
Email: info@wiccf.co.uk