About Us

The Forum was established in 1992 as a forum for Voluntary Care organisations which represent the interests of carers and users of services
throughout the Western Isles. It is actively involved in national and local consultations on behalf of the voluntary and independent care sectors and works closely with the statutory care sectors at a statutory planning level.

We provide services directly to carers and users by disseminating information, maintaining a register of family carers, producing regular newsletters and providing a Directory of Care Services.

Western Isles Community Care Forum SCIO (WICCF) has secured funding for, and administered projects which benefited informal carers, for example, provision of funding for respite, free ice grips and the Carers’ Trainers’ Project, which offers support and training to informal carers.

The Forum has a Board of Directors which is made up from the Co-ordinators/Service Managers from some of the Voluntary Care Organisations throughout the islands and one carer representative.

Organisation Director Telephone
Independent Morag Munro 07778598311
Cobhair Bharraigh Margaret Ann Beggs 01871 810906
Leverburgh Care Home Isabel Campbell 01859 520296
Crossroads Care Harris Marion Macdonald 07305078815
Crossroads (Lewis) Christina Isabella Macleod 01851 705422
Bethesda Care Home & Hospice Carol Somerville 01851 706222
Western Isles Association of Mental Health Rebecca Mahoney 01851 704964
Tagsa Uibhist Chris MacLullich 01870 602111
Alzheimer Scotland (L&H) Ellen Donnelly 01851 702123
Caraidean Uibhist Jozanne Margaret Joyce Sinclair 01870 603233
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland Lily Mackenzie 07771821836
Carer Representative Karen Taylor
Carer Representative Tracey Walker
Carer Representative Isabel Murray 01851 810638


Organisation Telephone Website
Crossroads Care Harris 07305078815 www.crossroadsisleofharris.co.uk
Leverburgh Care Home 01859 520296 www.fpchurch.org.uk/care-homes/leverburgh-care-home/
Harris Voluntary Service 01859 502171 www.harrisvs.org.uk
Advocacy Western Isles 01851 701755 www.advocacywi.co.uk
Alzheimers Scotland 01851 702123 www.alzscot.org
Bethesda Care Home & Hospice 01851 706222 www.bethesdahospice.co.uk
Crossroads (Lewis) 01851 705422 www.crossroadslewis.co.uk
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland 07771821836 www.chss.org.uk
Catch 23/WIAMH 01851 704964 www.wiamh.org
Penumbra 01851 706360 www.penumbra.org.uk
Caraidean Uibhist 01870 602233
Carer – Joan MacCuish 01876 540246
Carer – Isabel Murray 01851 810638
Carer – Karen Taylor
Carer – Tracey Walker
Tagsa Uibhist 01870 602111 www.tagsa-uibhist.com
Cobhair Bharraigh 01871 810906
VoiceAbility 07974 419046 www.voiceability.org
Ark Housing 01851 705753 www.arkha.org.uk

A membership form is available, if you are a voluntary care organisation in the Western Isles and you wish to become a member of Western Isles Community Care Forum.



Peggy Mackay, Co-ordinator (Full-time)
Hazel Macleod, Office Administrator (Part-time)


Catriona Macdonald, Training & Assessment Officer, Lewis & Harris
Catherine MacDougall, Training & Assessment Officer, Uist & Barra